Solid v2 Platform Arrives to Power a New Era of Embedded FinTech Innovation.

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Your reliable, trusted, FinTech platform

Our mission is to enable banks and companies to offer innovative FinTech products & services in a reliable and compliant way.

Give yourself the Solid advantage

FinTech Expertise

Team with expertise in FinTechs and platforms that have scaled.

Modern Technology

Built on modern cloud computing technologies and infrastructure.

Solutions Driven

Focused on solving diverse use cases for banks & companies.

Complete Oversight

Banks & FinTechs have granular oversight and control.

Flexible Architecture

Flexible in incorporating bank
policies and risk tolerance.

Deep Partnerships

Developed deep partnerships in FinTech ecosystem.

Get started with your FinTech journey

We believe that every company is going to be a FinTech company. To be one, they'd need a FinTech platform – we'd like to be the solid one!

Unlock the potential of the FinTech ecosystem.

FinTech ecosystems have emerged as catalysts for forward-thinking banks and companies, accelerating transformative change and driving revenue. Power your FinTech business by building on Solid's modern technology, which seamlessly integrates with critical partners and complies with regulations.

Your FinTech Platform

Solid is your trusted platform for building, launching, and scaling your FinTech offering.

Start your FinTech innovation with Solid today. Contact us to discuss your use case.


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Platform Uptime
Since 2021